Your arrival, wherever you are, may not be a coincidence.
Welcome to the official website of your fringe fascinated friends, the MK Team. On a mission to remind the human family that there is more than meets the eye, as we produce some fine art along the way, and share freely our experiences. This is a space where Memories do in fact collide, and in that collision, we hope you find something of value here.
Every enchanted, true, human experience is valid, valuable, and someone is interested....
... yet, we live in an unfortunately disenchanted world. Dominated by a people who may have forgotten far more than we know of our planet, place and cosmological potential. This is the perspective of a great many intelligible authorities on the implicated subject matter.
We boldly believe the time is nigh to remember. To research the bleeding edge of the phenomenal and phantasmal, find where we and it fit, in a universe that may very well contain all of itself in every individuated piece.
As you enter and indulge our narrow band broadcast, may you do so without assumption. Only the suspicion that you may be on the path to your potential as you read these very words. Our content is all bore from the wish to nurture well-being on the way to the stars, friends. As simple and complex as that journey may prove.
The one seperates into the many for the joy of returning to one again.
For those who have appreciably scrolled this far, or are simply still scratching their heads in respect to who we are and what we are up to, feel free to peruse this FAQ. And of course, if your curiosity has not been tended to, feel free to send us an email via or come find us on our Discord and/or subreddit.
Disclaimer -Please NOTE : The views, opinions, and perspectives contained herein are those of the founding members of Memory's Kollide - Namely, Klyde, Lein, Zerina, Memory and those behind the scenes who wish to maintain their anonymity. It IS NOT reviewed or approved content by the Akademy of Deep Reflection's moderators or members and should not be considered their words (unless otherwise accredited or specified) furthermore, all content is for educational and entertainment purposes. If anyone disagrees with the content herein, that is your prerogative but please refrain from attacking, harassing, or expressing your disapproval in slanderous or uncouth fashions that merely lend to a "bad look". We welcome disagreement. We welcome conversation (email option is on the bottom of every page and our subreddit is always open) but we do not welcome or entertain personal attacks, agenda or senselessly volatile reactions. In short, we will not curtail our content nor shall we engage with those who'd attempt to discourage us with less courtesy or intellect than we afford those in our own lives. Thank you for the consideration.