It is encouraged to look at our practical guide to remote viewing for those just getting started with this type of thing be explored FIRST before attempting their hand at Astral Tag.
What is the non-physical realm? Well friends, we are personally of the persuasion that any answer we could truly facilitate would, at best, simply be a model, not actuality. We are not an authority on what is.
We, like you, were simply curious humans who were deeply fascinated by remote viewing, astral projection, and the mystery of out of body experiences. We highly suggest having fun exploring these potentials, and do contend, all the better one suspend their need to define the nature of "the all of everything".
Perhaps, we may go so far as to say, relishing the fact that one "doesn't know" a great deal, to be a boon in this arena. Tap into the excitement of discovery, and know if your heart there is tremendous information to look forward to.
Purge one's doubt that they don't know, and rather, TRUST that they are of ample potential to observe, experience, learn, and remain teachable.
We would caution one to be aware of the ego's propensity to "fill in the blanks" or "take credit for knowing" ahead of observing. Earnestly aware that one is indeed, as Mr. Bob Monroe succinctly stated often, "More than our physical bodies" and begin to develop a growing, authentic, relationship with all dimensions of Self with a capital "S".
That said, there are many fantastically insightful notes on how this knowing and experiencing has come to pass for others (other selves), including us. At that fact, we would be happy to answer any questions and explain, in humility, how our own relationship with non-physical reality has developed so don't be bashful to swing by the Akademy or email us and ask away!.....
For those who've read and acknowledge this preface first and foremost, but still are thirsty to learn of another's vantage point of these particular's, our resident artist and meditating Qigong instructor provides his trajectory.
We encourage those interested in refining their remote sensory perceptive capabilities to take and use these directions freely.

We would like to make clear that these directions (Astral Tag Version 2.1) is a refinement of a process we've found success with, however, the "right way" versus the "wrong way," in terms of these endeavors, are a highly individuated prescription.
That is to suggest that using our instructions as a tool or framework and building from that, your own nuance and/or methodology. Do this with your trusted comrads, and go with the flow. Arguably, the most important facets of successful remote sensory perception comes down to quieting the mind, trust (yourself and your friends), and joy. Don't strangle the joy out the game with rules and judgements.

Suggestion :
It can prove helpful, especially if one is not yet well aquainted with the game or themselves as a remote viewer, to forego too much emphasis on recording the precise time of a data point/exhibition.
We have found that this trial works well without necessarily being precise with timestamping of one's observations. What is more important is that everyone playing communicate, and find the ruleset they employ to whatever ends be agreeable.