Considerations and recommendations, scribed by Klyde, reveiwed by the Guardians, updated frequently.


Read many takes and sources

It would behoove one to familiarize themselves with the contempary takes on this gentleman and gentleladies' skill. These are some incredibly forthcoming free resources.


The Subreddit Wiki Beginners guide

is fine a place to start as any. (Not our subreddit, but rather, the r/remoteviewing sub to be clear)


This is Farsights Guide to scientific remote viewing and it highly suggested one does their free training program.


And finally Remoteviewed by Daz Smith. 


These aforementioned resources address a sufficient foundation for learning to be built upon.



It is important to consider remote viewing like any other skill. It will be experienced slightly differently for everyone. Do not fall prey to believing that there is any be all, end all, to learning.


Finally, I personally think the BEST practical advice is not to take yourself too seriously. Care about having fun and tapping into one's enthusiasm first and foremost.

Perspectives on Learning 


- What is unique about remote sensory perceptivity development, to me personally. is the inherent  requisite to not bullshit oneself. Stop being inaccurate, start deeply reflecting and it will help more than merely remote sensory aptitude. 


- Perhaps helpful, in and of my own comprehension of a model where remote viewing "fits", has been a bit of Daoist, Vedic and quantum-light theory alongside the Holographic principle. I would say though, theoretical is NOT experiential and I don't consider dancing beyond into string theory to be relevant. That is to say, I appreciate being a student of experience more so than I do married to any theoretical physics.. It is neat to think about and posture oneself on but that is where utility ends and something more akin to reading tarot cards begins (for me).   


-Ultimately, just meditating. A lot. All different kinds of meditation, can in my honest opinion, range from transformational to utterly boring and tedious while, none are without the inherent value of teaching oneself about their own mind versus awareness. To these ends I cannot recommend hard enough, employing the binaural beats of Tom Campbell and the Hemi Sync technology of the Monroe Institute. 

Coming soon will be a list of excellent video training links and more! Check back frequently!

How does one exactly conceptualize a space we may all access, yet, see in vastly different ways, while also, all concurrently experiencing with some congruity thereof? Well, that is what this section is to help along. Best of luck on the journey friends!