Cosmology Withstanding (The paints and brushes that composed the picture)


This part is skippable unless one is interested in a bit of the background as to what lent to the perspective shared thereafter on the unseen realm


If we are doing "this right", in my earnest opinion, then writing something "like this" should look different each year that the human journey progresses, vested and interested in "this type of thing". Perhaps, a threshold is crossed at a point where the changes are only to make it more helpful and concise, but all the same, may also demand pruning, re-wording and certainly, if it is I who is writing it, some de-cursivification of the volume. I guess we can call this one, "Version 40 years old" for now, but I suspect the next make, and model, may prove less cumbersome.


Also quickly, a mondo thank you to my friends of the Akademy, for if it were not for they, I'd likely not have developed the perspective, such as I have, on this matter of "Non physical reality". A vantage point from which I gaze now upon our mundane material world, and see instead an enchanted land of grandeur.. A ledge I peer now from, at this tremendous gift of life we call the world of the human dream... But that may be getting ahead of myself. 


Before diving right into this, some background on the data sets I've been acquainted with that have contributed to an understanding of just how gigantic and colorful the proverbial "big picture" is. I've familiarized myself, throughout my life, with most major (or commonly) accepted theological takes on the unseen. I, not unlike anyone else, mused over the hard question of "which one is it?.. if any..?" for the better part of 4 decades. With respect to the "new age" concepts, such as the Astrals, I often considered where the aforementioned theology overlapped. One could certainly make a case for the ill repute of the "New Age" as being unfounded, and, conceptually speaking, rather ironically ancient.


I will say upfront, this writing here is not meant to explore the cosmological roles ascribed the "Astrals" as there is plenty that could be researched and looked into, including the sources just mentioned. Not saying that isn't valuable, just a readily available puzzle with some assembly required that does less to help along our intent and purpose herein (the possible and probable development of remote sensory perceptivity). 


So where does pseudo-theosophizing end, faith begin, and how effectually necessary is it? Do the 4 primary Vedic texts, or succinctly scribed verses of Lao Tzu, help things along? How about the Rosicrucian correlation of their 7 roses to the 7 chakra? Do the faithful works of the sleeping prophet (Edgar Cayce) flesh things out or do they conflict with the likes of the Emerald Tablet and teachings of Thoth? Does the Atlantean heritage of the Egyptian mystery schools hold water, or does the library sink in lieu of holes punched out by modernity? Should the glaring, obvious, anxiety induced by some biblical references bar one from entry or unlock a door?


As strange as it may be to maintain, I do consider that to understand a world enchanted, may be helped along by de-mystifying some things conceptually. It doesn't, however, mean that I am claiming the mystical, or cosmological, less relevant or unhelpful. Just that the role (and value) of the material is dependent on the context and aim of the student learning. Perhaps a philosophical nod to dualism and the cooperation of 2 parts to one whole is begged. Nonetheless, let us continue...


This could be a very long anecdote of how I undulated between religion and spirituality, but it is not my aim to keep you reading longer than is necessary. It is, however, my distinct point to say that remote viewing, the Astrals, out of body experiences, meditation, and much from antiquity, I feel, that has been misconstrued as "the new age" exists outside of whatever theological inheritance one may subscribe too. The effectual level of impact such (religion and spirituality) has on the individuated relationship that exists between the initiate and experience varies but the actuality of phsyics and metaphysics is non negotiable.


The crux of the situation is not unlike one's perspective on cosmology, astrology and astronomy when considering Jupiter's role in the heavens. One may certainly cherry pick what they subscribe to, but regardless of what they acknowledge, Jupiter itself is a still a planet that exists. One neither has to subscribe or acknowledge the conjunct potential role of the planetary body to look through a telescope and note it's reality. 


The bottom line is, I believe there is truth in all models. I believe in examination of the Egyptian mystery schools, the Rosicrucian or Jesuit order (and congruity thereof), perhaps looking also upon the work of Edgar Cayce (for sure) and Hermeticism. I also have found the Bible to be akin to downloading a new mind for many. Daoism, so near and dear to my own upbringing, finds footing at the foundational levels of all the aforementioned. Yet, I don't contend that these are necessary, at all, to what we have to talk about herein. 


All these measures to discern and contain truth and yet I believe also, even the falsehoods have their place in the composition of this enchanted world I reference now, lest the truth would not be the truth. It would have no contrast or completion. Talking now on "truth" and "falsehood", is, in fact, getting to the nitty gritty of the situation. Quietly suggesting that either of the 2 sides of one coin, don't change the fact that the currency exists. And that is what I'd call "part one: acceptance of all that is, as is" whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable... Known or not known. Favorable or outright abhorrent. It is merely the acceptance that the big picture IS in fact, all encompassing, that is relevant. 


A perspective on the realm of NON-STUFF in it's most basic



My perspective, take it or leave it, but nonetheless submit for your consideration, is that the higher frequential state, just beyond our own, is a realm of the substrate of "non-stuff", or the abstract information, existing akin to "real-stuff" or actuality (just as real as the material/physical plain here) of the physical world we find ourselves. To say it another way, all that is "none physical" here, is a physical over "there" in the form of "information". This is of course, a basic basis level and speaks nothing of the form or nature of information itself. The notation that all which is actual may be considered as merely information on a "higher" level is what matters. More impactful still, is considering how neutralized information itself is to they doing the thinking upon it.  


With the courtesy of patience, a few paragraphs in further still, perhaps that can make some semblance of sense. May this all hopefully be perceived as neutral as I intend it, for nothing herein is designed to dissuade one from what they find as a source of strength and inspiration. Whether you believe what you believe or deny something as "for you" it would be a disservice, in my mind, to not acknowledge that things simply "are". 


Non-stuff is as real as real-stuff, and we don't meditate, we are meditation. That would be a suitable "too long I don't want to keep reading" at this point, if one could tack on a "wherever the stuff itself comes from".. but continuing on for the brave and brazen champions of the thought closet who care to keep reading, the interest in wheresoever information may hail from will be addressed by we've got some ground to cover ahead of that. 


To make sure we know what we are looking at, as these topics can be abstract and right next door to those sacred antiquated explanations, which we just mentioned, let us set the stage in an alternative manner.


The first major breakthrough of meditation, for most, is recognizing that we are not our emotions or our thoughts. We, as the awareness of the arena of those non-things we observe, is getting somewhere more accurate, in my humble assessment. Every solid "truth" is an observation of something-ness, be it the truth of an object's solidarity or the tug of the heartstrings watching a sad movie.. It is the overlapping congruity of both the solid object and the internally experienced emotive expression that is the concern. And in that respect, truth is of the same nature as "happy" or even "sad" in our material world, on some level that can be observed throughout everything, in terms of its elusive immaterial nature. At that recognition, it's pretty impossible to sidestep the notion that these "unseen" constituents of our experience are something, but what kind of thing are they? What is the congruity in question? Energy perhaps? That's a good answer we've all read before right? Yet what good does that do us here... Sentience? Does identifying "emotion" as "not us" actually give anyone any better idea of what the texture of "happy" is? No, of course not. Yet, I dare to ask then, where would one go to find my "happy" or my "truth" and tell me bit about how rough, colorful, bright, smooth or otherwise, it is....?


Now, one might retort with "the texture of happy and what's true to you, even if I did know it, doesn't tell me anything about the "Astrals" Klyde." Well, again, you are right, however, I think at this point we could agree that these things are real on some level, the tie that binds is the nature of things as information, and I am a real person here typing about them, but where does it all come from including "my" information? The most basic composition that is.. what even is the directives of atoms and particles to compose into whatever they are...Well, at that, I'd be forced to say "those queries demand we know where information itself comes from, wouldn't it?" .... and right there- NOW, we are touching upon the Astrals.


With a touch of humor....


Astral : A term in modernity to nail down the "everything all at once", and suspect home address of the Akashic field as an exclusive club for all the cool-kid-subconscious party animals that don't permit the unmoving conscious from following.... starting one floor up, that'd be the 4th, in the "Frequential Hotel Vibrato", one layer into the "inner world" ...... to surmise with some subtle hint and humor, where "inner" refers to the earth/world before anything sooner.


We've identified, in my simple, elementary way, that stuff-ness is, at minimum in some capacity is information. An informational field or, directions for the composition of reality, at its teeniest levels of makeup, to become something. We know we are all made up of mostly the same stuff, with micro-materials coaxed into agreement to get along in different ways, shapes and complex configurations. But all that needs to arise in some organized way or else it would all just be chaos. So what makes the little bits get along and make a table? What commands the materials in question to compose my hand? Or your phone? Or anything for that matter...? I can't help but feel that begs a question of where instructions come from, the more I recognize it's got to come from somewhere. 


That sounds simple but in reality, it is a lot further into the depth of meditation than one, as flakey as I may be, observes the basics of "thought is not they themselves". The recognition that a though must drift into the arena's purview from somewhere...WITHOUT the egoic need to name the "who, what, and when" but only to the wonder upon the where.... follow it "back to the source" may then too, become a curiosity for the strategically minded, and way to look at the matter at hand in it's most neutral state. 


If information is organizing the composition here to be tangible, I have to consider that it comes here from somewhere... and in my very limited way of perceiving things, if I was going towards where it came from, I feel like I'd *have to* pass through wheresoever it gets organized to find that source. From here to there, for it all to plop down on earth as a suitable flesh and bone mech to pilot around the mean streets of northeast Pennsylvania, it has to come from a source and then, through space and time proper, here we be. 


So at the end of that (somewhat) convoluted line of thinking, all I really know for sure is that there is here, then just beyond this "here-ness" there is the organization of here, and beyond that, for howsoever many fathoms there are- there has to eventually be a source.... but I don't forget, I am not emotions or thoughts so casting aside my identity and the flesh-mech, it also seems reasonable that the Self observing those thoughts/emotions hangs out in and around the flesh-mech and my senses are certainly bound to it, but the observation.... the Am that observes the fact that I see with my eyes, rather than merely what they see... why can't I just close my eyes and peek through that lens instead? Well, it turns out, if I focus, I can and so can you because outside of the way we are organized here, we are after all "made up of the same stuff". And beyond all this, most importantly, it MUST be experiential. 


The intellectual end of this must then be dropped. Even the idea of a "path" from here to the source of the blueprints or, the informational fields send off, is bound to my identities experience of going from place to place.  The issue is, the path of course, would too be information. So at this point, no matter how many which ways we express how things are organized, it is the abandonment of time and space (the organization) that needs to take place. 


So we meditate on this... we meditate a LOT on this, and yet, if you are like me, you still don't get anywhere with it beyond intellectualizing. It's just too hard to go somewhere without thinking about going somewhere right?.... well, that all changed for me when I discovered tarot cards and the notion of "with no where to, in fact go, one may be everywhere all at once instead of absent". Meaning, perhaps, without time and space, it isn't that there is nothing or no-things, but rather that there is everything, all at once. To elaborate in favor of this portion of the comprehension...


Enter the Experiential End of dipping my toe into the Astral notion as a real place to explore, which we are already in, exploring the length of, all the time. I will reiterate, time and again, certain phrasing to hammer it home. Ultimately how I came to recognize that the aforementioned exploration takes place, unbeknownst to us/me with the scuba suit the eastern and esoteric models call the "Astral Body" requires anecdote of how I have experienced cartomancy (card reading).


Astral Body : insofar as we need a term for this "separate but not separate" slice of the selves composition. I will return to speak on this briefly but is truly another discussion altogether.


You see, with a tarot card, I simply intellectualize the card's meaning, trust they represent the whole of the human experience, pull the card and I've got myself some information... What was mind blowing to me was how, so long as I care authentically about A) always telling the truth as best as I can understand it and B) care about the querent/query, across YEARS of reading, I NEVER had a wholly inaccurate or irrelevant reading. But how can that be? How could I possibly just suddenly have this new accurate info by pulling a card that's not even been handled by the querent before the reading? On one hand, I've got a card and when it was pulled alongside how I am thinking about it - all of which has everything to do with time and space and the illusion of my identity as well as the querents.... on the other hand however, we've got information. Does it merely arrive via osmosis? I think not but again, it is probably better to do less of that (thinking) and more accepting what is.


Wait...what was that about us not being our thoughts or emotions again? Oh yes, I'm merely the observation before thinking on what it is I am seeing with my eyes... so what am I observing when I get this newly acquired and accurate information doing something totally mundane by taking a card out of a pile?? I am observing the retrieval of data! Information!! - and suddenly, it clicks for me personally. I recognize that I sort of "talk in my head" but not in any auditory sense, I'm "hearing" the observing in a way, without my ears..... or is it more accurate to say I am remembering? Yes, I dare to say, it is far more akin to my "remembering" than it is hearing.


An aside : Let it be told and known... the notice that dropping time and space must lend to an unconsciousness, to some degree, and it is the recall of what is discerned, through that unconsciousness that even lends to such notice.... that IS one layer of what makes the name "Memorys Kollide" appropriate in a tongue in cheek sort of way... Moving on..


Now, the eastern models speak a great deal on 3 bodies. That, as I mentioned, is a matter of alternate discussion (that will be written of and discussed elsewhere in the MK body of original content and inevitably linked to herein). Suffice it to say, one of those 3 bodies is the Astral body (depending on the vernacular), and so, it again makes intellectual sense that, given that model of which I am very familiar, it is the swapping of my awareness to that astral body that lends to venturing out to wheresoever that information is.... and apparently one hell of a run on sentence.


Now I want to note what I just described is not the same as having an out of body experience whatsoever, though, if my arm was twisted, I'd suggest we may be having experiences, outside of space and time and thus the body, all the time, it's just very seldom our actual awareness swaps to the vantage point of the scuba suit. If that sounds contradictory, you are picking up what I am putting down! We need space and time to avoid an utter collision of information from my (certainly subjective) perspective


So, to me personally, that's the first step into the unseen realm... recognizing that all information is organized here and it takes the complexity of divested authenticity to escape the mind/body prison of the persona and flesh mech,  to then take my none-thing self to where there is no time... no space.. just information. That all, then, goes without saying that it isn't a conscious process. The conscious process is conscientiously granting the permissions of this "energy that is me" to detach from the material comfort/discomfort/familiarity, and dive into the subconscious. This DOES lend to an angle of looking at many of those helpful but unnecessary models mentioned earlier.


When we do consider the multitude of other models and naming conventions, I feel like the most concise of them look at this all as tuning instead of dimensions. Density of what's here being relative to the frequency tuned into. Less dense equals that of a higher frequency and so, I don't believe the astral or unseen realm to be "another dimension" at all... I view it as quite natural, near, and a part of the subconsciousness stomping grounds located right next to us.... where "next to" can and is often mistaken for "alternative dimensionality" instead of perhaps "alternative tuning".... Allow me to echo the fact that words may create conflict of understanding and this is why less thinking and more doing is infinitely more important to me personally. I digress... 


At the end of the day, the texture of my happiness is however it feels to YOU. Because you and I are, in fact, one and the same, and thus, separation and difference begins at the failure of those words, thoughts and emotions... maybe what I call rough and happy you'd call smooth and silly. But regardless, concepts themselves only exist here because actuality is, perhaps, where the Astrals begin, for me, tuned ever so gently one notch "up", higher, on the path beyond the beyond. 


No time, no space, no thing-ness, and all  information *just* before it's organized, all at once. A location chalk full of "entities" "possibilities" "probabilities" and is home for all those thoughts and emotions that we've aptly negotiated as "nut is" or at best, subscriptions of the illusion we call an identity and even ever the more fleeting. 


Lastly, I just want to say, the unseen realm isn't what we believe. It's not what we've come to consider faith. Those are just snippets of what we can *know*. Those things (belief, faith, hunches, and otherwise) is what we need to get to the "know-ness" of the situation. It was, truly for me, not a theological or spiritual matter that lends to the know-ness or knowledge. The experience.. Those things are flimsy and can't be "known" because of too many dirty words, egos, strong opinions, and otherwise, given way to how we've come to define language in this world. What I'm getting at are metaphysics but that, as well as the mechanics of all this business, is better left to other writing projects. That's a wrap. May you all have a fortuitous journey and recognize that inspiration and good ideas are gifts my friends... but that information has to come from somewhere. 


Thanks for reading.