The Akademy of Deep Reflection is the Discord meeting place of the MK crew. 

  • All the below sections are under heavy construction! 

What is the origin of the Akademy?

The start of Memory's Kollide goes back quite a ways in Northeast PA. However, our online presence did not come to be until 2023. As the MK crew evolved, changed, and some members moved on, eventually, the remaining MK crew and Klyde became a moderators, members and friends of A Head Start (a reddit subreddit group). It was there that the seeds which grew into the Akademy were planted. It was finally July of 2024 when Klyde, in wake of AHS closure, along with the AHS moderators, realized the Akademy as a community home for those who needed one (namely, those who suddenly found themselves without AHS) under the MK umbrella as it was the most logical move given the priorly established MK subreddit, Youtube channel and Patreon.

Thus, it could be viewed as though the Akademy Discord server was a long time in the making.

Ultimately, a narrow band of core members who were extremely fascinated by audio-assisted meditative practices, ancient arts, lost paradigms, psionics, their individuated fringe fascinations, and a desire to take these passions to ever more effectual levels came together. In their meeting and unyielding desire for a safe space to develop authentically, the social complex of the Akademy was bore from the sturdy foundation of common goals, and fervent reciprocal appreciation of their fellowship.

Are you guys a cult or religious fanatics or something?

While such a case of mistaken assumption may be easy to make at face value, we lack some key components necessary to qualify for such.

--We are neither inclined to tell anyone else what to believe nor firm in what we believe... we are firm in what we *know*, have experienced, and in our individuated work to achieve *personal* potentials.


--We are not interested in anyONE(s) religion or blind faith, nor dedicated to such... We are instead interested in the layers of everything which contain realized or actualized truths at the edge of the bell curve.


--We are dedicated to understanding consciousness and the world around us, no different than any people or generations before us (we DO feel this generation is at an exceptional juncture of information accessibility with unique, equal opportunities, for all members of the human family to grow).


-- we have members who are Buddhist, Daoist, Christian, Non-Denominational, Agnostic, self proclaimed metaphysicalists, former materialists and the list goes on.... we encourage ALL of it in a literal way... literally, we believe everyone should find a way to accept ALL of everything. Not any one thing, but every thing as one.


-- We strive to support all our members within THEIR respective families and communities, to the ends of increasing their innate participation within those arena. Honing the services we are all uniquely equipped for communally, towards the potentiality of being a greater asset to those we love is the aim here. In this way, we are precisely anti-cult in the sense we wish not to remove anyone from where they are, but rather uplift and inject more of our fellows into their *own* lives and respective "now". 


If that isn't clear enough. The answer is NO. We are just as leary and opposed to these broken societal constructs as you who've proven interested enough to read this far into our stance on it. In fact, we've a distinctly sickened feeling each time we need recognize this question IS a real one in our day, age and with the history thereof. 

So, what is the point?

The exchange of knowledge and ourselves, vested unto the developmental ends of human potentiality, beyond the commonly accepted.

Literally, the exchange of our talents, ability to learn/teach and full inclination to grow, help and heal. We all are here because we've had unique experiences bore of certain interests and/or circumstances that has proven valuable to others who may also seek or find experiences of such ilk.  

To make absolutely positive that everyone has a fair chance to share their experience amongst those who believe ANY human walk (or dream) is valid and worthy of attention.

To develop and pioneer our own time tested regimen and techniques, alongside some others that simply may be very difficult to come across elsewise, to the aforementioned ends. This includes meditative training, martial arts, remote viewing, alternative consciousness theory (and modeling) via study, experimentation, practice and more..... All while we continue to adapt and seek to be of service authentically. 


THE ULTIMATE POINT IS ALWAYS AUTHENTICITY. We have come to believe that, not only is it the highest vibratory position for the incarnate, but also that one should know exactly what terminology like "vibration" and "frequency" *actually* mean in respectively niche arena such as we make mention of above. 

To join the Akademy, who's doors are open to every human who has found themselves reading this, simply click the lovely headphone-adorned lass to the left. 

A warm welcome awaits in our lobby and solid slice of fun is served on the daily across our other channels. 


Continue on for an overview of our communities' cornerstones, original content, and more. 





Internal Martial                             Arts


Kung FU


                   Tai Chi Chuan


The Akademy of Deep Reflection promotes a growing variety of means to become better acquainted with ones subtle energy bodies. 


The Auric reality, of a living sentient entity, can tragically remain unknown for the length of a human lifetime. 


We are more than our physical body. Quite simply, the means of experiencing so, is through meditation. Herein we discuss the most effectual approaches.

Non Physical Tag


Through the use audio assisted meditation, motivated by anecdotes of a higher frequential space accessible non-locally, we dedicated ourselves to the fabled "journeys out of the body" spoken of by the likes of Bob Monroe.


Coupled with a fascination in remote viewing, alongside disciplined trials of discernment to determine an optimal means of personal development thereof, we proudly introduce non-physical tag.... The fruit of an intensive labor of love and the uncanny connection that can develop between entities striving for authenticity.


Remote Viewing tasking, crafted by humans, for humans.