Metaphysical presentations come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, indiscriminately. Between the seriously minded to the jovial, every make and model of observer can be a potential witness of the phenomenal. It is the era in which the most credible of fringe accounts come out, status withstanding, from the famous to the most obscured members of society.
It is, however, the most acclaimed and grounded of the human family, braving the reactions of their peers, who reveal our landscape to be more than most care to fathom, first and foremost. The most respectably credentialed witnesses and contactees comprise an especially valuable collection of accounts, more relevant to skeptics, disbelievers, and other professionals. The yield being, those who once considered the paranormal to be the ravings of the mad, are discovering the accounts of their families and co-workers to lay beyond the boundaries of yesterday's awareness.
In modernity, what these anecdotes suggest of our reality is largely up to the eye of the beholder, as it were. Those who impose definitive meaning from positions "in the know" may likely prove the least informed by this author's humble measure. It is our hope to convey the stories of those who have one to tell, and assist in acceptance thereof, not explanations. The only posture of certainty maintained, is that a being who can integrate an awareness of the fantastical will be better equipped for the road ahead.
To these ends, with a will for service to our fellows, do we scribe the events of the anonymous, the anomalous, and the bleeding edge of the strange. In only the highest regard, is the testimony of those trained observers and constituents who serve to protect their fellows presented. Herein we disclose one such tale, of a Senior Airman of the US Air force.
When many of us think of the paranormal, we think along the lines of "spooky". The unnerving, or the outright frightening...........
........Yet, in the scope of that which is unseen but evidential, what is more compelling than love? Some would contend, it is our emotions themselves which populate the unseen world closest to our reality. Regardless of what you, dear reader, happen to believe, one would be hard pressed to challenge the notion that love itself paves the way to creation.
Meet Jess. A strong, beautiful realist and former materialist. Intelligent and beloved, Jess was built sensibly, in much the way any would expect a Senior Airman and expert observationalist to be. She has, however, proven an exception to any rule that may be observed in the maternal arena. The embrace of motherhood as her sacred charge may, most accurately, describe the focal persona's role in this story. Before recruit, cadet, wife, or otherwise, Jess *is* a mom which is not a title each and every child bearer can claim in such good conscience.
Her world was about to be transformed by the grand, observable, miracle within the incarnative experience, we term as childbirth. After conceiving her first offspring, unbeknownst to Jess, she was about to understand "magic", perhaps, far better than her husband or any of her fellows in arms.
She was on the phone, one evening, with her then partner. It wasn't however the conversation that would punctuate the given evening, as that was merely the stage for the act. This incredible exhibition began with a kick... her baby's first!!
Another kick! And one more still! Their child's first three efforts to make its presence known were perfectly paired with her parent's telecommunion on that calendar date. But could this new life's awareness have proven effectual beyond the womb?
The phone just retired and Jess, in awe of the transformative reality very much a part of her, prepared for bed. Yet, as she lay down, in the dim of the dorm, something became visible. Something she had never seen.... something... luminous? Glowing?.. of its own accord in mid-air!?
No.. this couldn't be. The material woman with trained eyes, resetting her gaze upon the air, expectant to unravel some visual riddle, remained stunned. This was no figment of fantasy, nor a side effect of fatigue. Jess was witnessing something profound and prismatic. The pearlesque luminescence would prove bright enough to shine in her mind's eye for the rest of her days.
It would seem as though, not unlike a jellyfish may swim weightless through the sea, a floral luminosity pulsed its way through the very air before her. It swam and blossomed, like an ethereal botanical, revealing itself candidly unto her, before taking its leave in a blink. And just like that, it was seemingly gone.
What was it the resourceful service woman saw? Could it have been the spectral force of something left behind? Perhaps the immortal soul of her baby dropping in with far more than a kick? The power of human, parental love, in production of a manifestation? Or was it something prosaic with a causation not so easily discerned?
It is this author's will to say, I could not be convinced that such an intelligible professional as I've come to know in researching this experience, could be easily taken by illusion. She is not the type to adopt parapsychical explanations before those founded in reason.. she is, however, very prone to scrutinizing her perceptual truths in favor of accuracy. To know her, is to know a reliable being who's honesty is rivaled by only her maternal integrity. Moreover, stand-up mom withstanding, this is a woman who knows what she is or is not looking at.
This particular experience sports congruity with other anecdotes of manifestations. The incredible has been part and parcel to new life and sentience arrival by more than one account. There is, of course, the idea of immaculate conception. However, by proxy, one could argue, rationally, that any conception is immaculate on a level just beyond what is apparent to the lesser concerned (or mindful) witness.
In closing, rather than wonder "what" Jess saw, I would instead compel the reader towards a different line of thought. One that asks "how exactly did Jess see this life changing expression, frequentially beyond our normalcy?"... Maybe it is suggestive that it takes a strong, resourceful, careful, sober, and level observer who CAN yet still cross the boundaries of mediocrity, through the anointing of motherhood, that allows for such an instance. Can it be that extrasensory awareness is the product of being *more* in love, than it is a yield of anything else? In this case, might it be that Jess' love of her child increased her perceptual aptitude beyond typical human measure?
Of the unseen world, this author is quite certain, there is nothing more real than that which animates new life. Thus, we reiterate as we close, consider the actuality of the unseen, and perhaps Jess is just capable of seeing something available for all to behold if they peek with honest, maternally motivated eyes. Thank you for reading friends! May we all hope to know the unconditional love of a mom who takes on the role with such pride so as to be equipped to see beyond the veil.